Our FenKid® classes in English
The classes follow the FenKid concept, “ Frühe Entwicklung des Kindes begleiten” which means “accompanying the development of a child in its first years of life.”
In an environment appropriate for the age of your baby, there is an opportunity for your baby to play, to experience the environment, to move around or just “to be”. One important part of Fenkid is to learn about the individuality and needs of our child, by watching, appreciating, valuing, perceiving and sharing the moment.
Afterwards we talk and reflect about what we have seen. This helps us to learn to read the signals of our child and how to respond in an individual manner.
In addition we get to know ourselves in our role as a parent. We learn together and in parallel with our child on their way to grow up.
FenKid stands for “Frühe Entwicklung des Kindes begleiten”, which means “accompanying the development of a child in its first years of life”. The focus of our work is the baby´s interest in learning and development.
FenKid has been developed by “Beratungsstelle für Natürliche Geburt und Elternsein“ since 1999.
FenkKd’s philosophy is based on current research and findings in:
- Developmental Psychology
- Brain research
- Infant research
- Attachment research
It is related to the pedagogical concepts of
- Maria Montessori
- Emmi Pikler
- Elfriede Hengstenberg
- Jesper Juul
How is the course set up?
We offer parents a gently guided safe environment to attentively gather with their child.
In general we see a single parent with his/her baby meeting with others in a group of 6-8 participants.
Referring to the individual stage of development of your child we do create an environment so there are plenty of opportunities to play, to experience the environment, to move around or just “to be”.
One important part of FenKid is to learn about the individuality and needs of our child, by watching, appreciating, valuing, perceiving and sharing the moment.
Afterwards we talk and reflect about what we have seen. This helps us to learn to read the signals of our child and how to respond in an individual manner.
In addition we get to know ourselves in our role as a parent. We learn together and in parallel with our child on their way to grow up.
Often parents tell us that Fenkid is like a break from the routines of daily life, a time for new inspirations. The course supports you to enhance your family life.
In the first months of children´s lives they often play by themselves, concentrating only on themselves and their close surroundings. Slowly they develop the ability to play with others in a so-called “parallel play”. This means the child begins to imitate and be inspired and learn from others.
The last module of the course includes themes of interest for parents like physical and cognitive development, scientific findings etc. We speak about burning questions from parents e.g. breast feeding, bottle feeding, spoon feeding, food in general, childcare, reentry to the workplace after maternity leave, how to support and foster the child’s development, education etc.
What makes FenKid so different?
We enhance and develop our concept continuously to work with the best quality and knowledge for our parents.
Our primary focus in the course is on our children and our full attention is on their needs instead of simply achieving a goal or running through a program of a course.
Our strongest focus is on bonding and relational competence based on modern brain research, Emmi Pikler, Maria Montessori, Elfriede Hengstenberg and Jesper Juul’s findings. As a relationship is not something that you get from the beginning of life it has to be developed and established. Throughout our courses, we seek to help parents to enhance, stabilize and develop the relationship with their children. This is with a long time perspective to improve the quality of families’ lives.
Find and share with FenKid :
Freundschaften - F - friendships
Entwicklung fördern – e – support development
Neues entdecken, Spielzeug, Lieder, Reime - n – Discover something „new“, toy, songs, rime
Kompetenz, Kommunikation, Kooperation - K – competence, communication, cooperation
Inspiration finden, informiert entscheiden - i – find inspiration, decide on an informed basis
Dinge spielerisch erfassen, den Bewegungsimpulse folgen - d – comprehend things playfully, follow the impulse of movement
Feedback from participants:
"I become more conscious, I am doing the right thing with my intuition."
"I am happy that I meet these people here, one of them became my friend."
"I got good feedback – I am right in what I am doing – now, I am more self-assure."
"It’s interesting to see my daughter interacting with other children."
"My daughter shows her skills in the course and the freedom to do it!"
Datum | Dauer | Kurs-Nr. | Preis | Sonstiges |
28.01.2025 to 08.04.2025 2 p.m. - 3.15 p.m. * |
10x Tuesday | 8209-25-E-20 | 150 € | born from April 2024 to August 2024 |